The Blog: Get inspired for your visit to the Broads

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  • Museum of the broads thumbnail

    Keep going

    Enter the medieval world, when you visit Norwich Castle, St Benet's Abbey and a new exhibition about the history of peat, at the Museum of the Broads.

    25 April 2024

  • SWT Carlton Marshes

    It's greener by rail - how to visit the Broads by train

    The Broads is easy to visit by train, learn more in our guide to getting around by rail.

    25 April 2024

  • The River Ant

    Life in the reedbeds, with Wally Mason

    Get a taste of life as a reed cutter on the remote Haddiscoe Island.

    25 April 2024

  • Love the Broads

    Do you love the Broads? Read about the Broads Trust, a local charity helping to care for the Broads.

    25 April 2024

  • Green hairstreak butterfly copyright Tom Lee

    Nature watching in April and May

    The sun's finally out, butterflies are emerging and leaves are turning green once again. Find out the best wildlife species to spot this April and beyond.

    25 April 2024

  • Back to basics camping at Salhouse Broad

    10 Things to do...

    ...from Hoveton and Wroxham...from Beccles

    24 April 2024

  • pike in the water

    A fishy business

    Find out about the surprising history of fishing in the Broads and listen to the last Broads eel catcher.

    24 April 2024

  • Kingfisher

    Electric boating

    Discover the Broads and its wildlife by electric boat.

    24 April 2024

Need some inspiration for your next visit to the Broads National Park? Look no further, our blog has tons of great ideas, amazing facts and interesting posts that highlight just how special our national park really is. Don't forget to share with your friends and family!

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